#76 – You got a Mail

You got a Mail 1/1

YOU GOT A MAIL - yonkoma #76

Published by Kyuken on December, 25th, 2022.

Layla decided to press the icon of the message sent by Kyuken.
The descent of the Circle VII resumes.

Merry Christmas Sinners, (^_^)

From one job to another, with little time and a flagrant lack of inspiration, I haven't been productive this year.

Now I am more clear about my activities, I redesigned sections of my website and relaunched an old project.

So since this summer, developing again the final version of turn-based strategy Trading Card Game (TCG) has been a bit nostalgic and now has its own section.
You can go ther either by the Menu or by just clicking on the logo below.

When the War lost her Panties - Logo

The game is functional with all the rules. Just get the cards via my shop in the Greedy Pack or by supporting me on Subscribe Star Adult.

The update of the section with the cards produced during this year 2022 will end and I already have an overview of the creation of new cards.

Good ! I just have to enjoy the rest of my day.

Feel free to comment, support or follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Subscribe Star and RedBubble.

Erosu MOe KOwai Sinners ! (^_^)


Bianca R.



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