#49 – Naglfar Palace

Naglfar Palace 1/1

NAGLFAR PALACE - yonkoma #49

Published by Kyuken on December, 31st, 2020.

Kyuken the Scribe succeeded by shaping and materializing Naglfar Palace, palace of Helfreija the Goddes of Lust, out of the White.

Hi little Devils, (^o^)

In Norse mythology, Naglfar (or Naglfari) is a boat built by the Goddess of Death, Hel (or Hela). This boat made entirely with fingernails and toenails of the Dead. Sailing to the field of Vigrior and ferrying the army of Giants that will battle during the events of Ragnarok.

In this universe, Naglfar is the Palace of the Goddess of Lust (I, II, III, IIII), Helfreija. Designed and built by Kyuken the feline Scribe, the shape of this planet incorporates many strange cat faces as the base and mainly composes the landscape in the North. However in South, we can find giant books. The overall appearance of the Palace is a symbolic mix from the visions of the Goddess and her little servant, with four Souls as decoration.

As first references, I used mythology. Whether Greek, Nordic, Egyptian or Asian, the image of a boat that transports is used in the transport of Souls to the Realm of the Dead. Then like a Jenova from Final Fantasy VII series, a planet (or at least a piece) can also serve as a vessel to travel and to find a new World. And for the graphic appearance, I took a lot of inspiration from what is done in Kingdom Hearts on the space map and from the Krosmoz (universe created by the French studio Ankama for the MMORPGs Dofus and Wakfu).

So many questions (or not) that will find answers later (or not). (~^_^~)

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See You Next Little Devils ! (^_^)

And Happy New HEEEEEEEELL 2021 ! ↜(╰ •ω•)╯ψ





THAN ...