#64 – Object of Anger

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OBJECT OF ANGER - yonkoma #64

Published by Kyuken on July, 29th, 2021.

Tears are legendary artifacts. They condense emotions and feelings left behind by Souls when Life leaves them. Over time, they are the object of lust and anger. 

Hi Sinners, (^_^)

No time to waste when it comes to shaping a Tear. Here is an exhibition episode that brings additional intel in the lore of Why the Lust doesn't wear Panties ? I hope you will discover the subtle details about this universe, how it works and how consistent it is, despite the fact that I give you few keys to understanding it.

Although I'm not a huge fan of the manga Attack on Titan. But I'm impressed by how the author distills the information to flesh out his universe and his story. His work on foreshadowing is a work of goldsmith and great precision. Not only in the work of Hajime Isayama where informations are broken up in the story. There is also Souls Borne series (Dark Souls & Blood Borne) from From Software which asks interested players to reconstruct the story.

I like this way of telling stories because everyone is free to interpret a story from their own point of view. It thus allows reading at several levels, dealing with many themes and coming back to them again to understand the issues. Like an archaeologist or a detective, you have to look for clues like puzzle pieces, to put them together to get a global picture.

So how to introduce a puzzle into the story in the next episode ?

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Erosu MOe KOwai Sinners ! (^_^)





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