#67 – Pain of Anger

Pain of Anger 1/7

Pain of Anger 2/7

Pain of Anger 3/7

Pain of Anger 4/7

Pain of Anger 5/7

Pain of Anger 6/7

Pain of Anger 7/7

PAIN OF ANGER - yonkoma #67

Published by Kyuken on September, 16th, 2021.

The loop is closed. After a painful journey, the Guide and the blue Succubus arrive in front of the Gate of Anger.

Hi Sinners,

This arc is so FRUSTRATING and ANNOYING to process as to try to do it right and test new ideas to incorporate to the storytelling.
Fortunately, I arrive at the end and I will free myself from it to move on.

There is many answers on the Gate of Anger in the yonkoma #63 - Waiting for Hug.

I hope the next episode will represent my state of mind a bit at the end of this work.

Thank you for your investment and for reading me.
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Erosu MOe KOwai Sinners ! (^_^)

Errata : In the first riddle Kcol I, a missing line for the answer was added.
A spelling error has been corrected on the 7th picture, from "hungy" to "hungry".





THAN ...